Day 15… Finally Seeing High School Musical

RaeAnna Rekemeyer
2 min readAug 10, 2023


I worked 29 hours between Monday and Tuesday, so when I woke up this morning, I was exhausted physically, but my mind was ready to go.

I’m feeling really bloated and yicky today, there’s no particular reason why, other than I do. I hate days when I don’t feel good in my body, especially when they coincide with days where my body is worn out. It’s an overall unpleasant feeling for sure.

After a very, very slow rise and shine, I went to my friend’s house. M and I are both writers. She works in marketing, and I’m doing some copywriting for her company, which means we get to spend even more time together because why not work on the same project remotely together! Yay! So I spent the afternoon doing that. Once we were both done for the evening, we ordered pizza, talked high school, and watched High School Musical, which I have never seen.

The only picture I took. Flora being our supervisor today.

Being an adult is such an interesting thing. It is absolutely nothing like what my parents or the media portrayed it. So much of my time is spent doing whatever the fuck I want. I have my job and responsibilities, but outside of doing those things… I can do whatever I want. Adult friendships are the fucking best. I have different friends for different things, but I also have multipurpose friends. M is a multipurpose friend. We’re the kind of friends who will spend eleven hours together without ever running out of things to say on topics of gender presentation to politics to literature to travel to gossip to dating to movies to everything in between. I love having friends who I can be dumb with just as much as I can be smart with. These are the people I pour my heart and soul into because they do the same, but more importantly, they see all the facets of myself I’m willing to show and they’re happy to meet me exactly where I’m at.

I’m going to collapse into bed now. I’m so tired. Tomorrow should also be fun and busy, but I need to get shit done. Like finish… start planning my big trip that I leave for in a week.

Good night and wish me mental stability.



RaeAnna Rekemeyer

Mother of Puppies & Intersectional Feminist | Pants Hater: My dog has anxiety attacks when I wear them. | Busy exploring the dichotomy of femininity.